The International Valuation Standards 2020

WAVO welcome members, valuers and all related professionals

WAVO is pleased to announce this E-Learning course on the latest IVS 2020 following the signing of the Memorandum of Co-operation between WAVO and the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) on 2 November 2016. With the signing, WAVO would be conducting the training and education of the International Valuation Standards which was first released in January 2017 by IVSC.

The online course is provided to you via and we would need you to familiarize yourself with the functions and application of the format and how this course is being conducted.

Important Information to Note

  • Upon registration, you will have up to 60 days to complete all the 13 modules offered in this course including all the MCQs in each of the modules and one final assessment test offered by WAVO. If you still require an extension of time (>60 days) to complete the course, you will be allowed to extend for a further 10 days from the expiry date. WAVO will charge a nominal fee of USD 20 to cover the administrative cost to be incurred because of your extension.

  • If you have any queries which you need to check regarding the administrative functions on payments and other issues about the course, please send us your queries via email marked “attention to course administrator” by clicking the link “”.

  • If you have any queries pertaining to the course lessons or you need to seek clarification, please send your queries marked “attention to WAVO lecturers” by clicking the link and a response to your queries will be given to you in due course. Please note that there will be a delay in our response if your query is sent on a public holiday.

  • You are required to complete all modules in this course. For WAVO to assess your understanding of each module, a basic assessment in multiple choice questions (MCQ) will be offered to you after you have reviewed all materials within each module and you click the link “Take MCQ”. When you have successfully passed the basic assessment MCQ, our system will prompt and bring you to the next module of the course i.e. If you are at Module 1, passing all the MCQ in Module 1 will then bring you to Module 2.

  • You will progressively complete each module of the course until the final module (Module 13 of the IVS 2020). When you have reached this final module, the system will prompt you to take one final assessment test and to click the link “Take Final MCQ”. Upon successful completion of this test, WAVO would award you with a Certificate of Completion for the IVS 2020.

  • It is important that you note the number of days since you have registered. You will be alerted if the number of days to complete the course is at 10 days and with the next alert at 5 days. It is important that you quickly contact the administrator to extend the number of days if this is required by you. You will be automatically logged out of the system upon expiration of the 60 days. Re-registration is required by you if you wish to continue with the course. A nominal fee will be charged by WAVO if you re-register within less than 10 business days and full registration fee will be payable if re-registration is 10 business days and beyond.

  • This Certificate of Completion by WAVO will be emailed to the email address provided by you when you first register for the course.

Administrative Support

If you have any other queries on administrative matters, please contact WAVO at or Tel +65 6222-3030.

Technical Support

If you encounter any issue with the system, please contact the support team at

Target Course Participants

This course is specifically developed with the key objective of providing a better understanding of the International Valuation Standards (IVS 2020). Valuers, real estate practitioners and other professionals who have financial or accounting qualification and training will find this course to be useful as the course provides a broad overview of the IVS 2020. We would further advise that registrants for this course to read the IVS 2020 as reference will often be made to the standards and for overall understanding and review of the standards itself. Registration for the WAVO IVS 2020 course does not include a copy of the IVS 2020. You may purchase it at IVSC website by following the link provided below.

The International Valuation Standards (IVS) were introduced by the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC). Purpose is to secure their universal adoption and implementation for the valuation of assets across the world. They cover three broad sections, namely, IVS Framework, IVS General Standards and IVS Asset Standards.  This 2020 version was first introduced in July 2017, and updated recently to be effective from 31 January 2020.

This General Standard describes the scope of work or terms of engagement of a valuer, the asset(s) being valued, the purpose of valuation and the responsibilities of parties involved in the valuation.
This General Standard outlines the general principles with regards to the investigations to be carried out in valuation assignments including valuation reviews, and IVS compliant requirements that are appropriate for the purpose and terms set out in scope of work.
This General Standard sets out the requirements of the Valuation report to communicate information for proper understanding of the valuation to the intended users.
This General Standard describes the various bases of value or the fundamental premises on which the reported values will be based.
This General Standard describes the 3 principal approaches (namely, market, income and cost) used in valuation.  Each of these approaches include different, detailed methods of application.  It outlines general approaches and methods that are applicable to valuations of all types of assets and for any valuation purposes. The methods used for specific assets are described in the relevant Asset Standards.
This Asset Standard describes the valuation of business and the considerations to be noted.  In general, a business conducts a commercial, industrial, service or investment activity and can take many forms eg corporations, partnerships, joint ventures and sole proprietorships.
This Asset Standard outlines the valuation of an intangible asset which is described as a non-monetary asset that manifests itself by economic properties, and does not have physical substance but grants rights and/or economic benefits to owner. 
This new Asset Standard decribes the valuation of non-financial liabilities which are defined as those liabilities requiring a non-cash performing obligation to provide goods or services such as warranties, loyalty programme, and certain indemnifications and guarantees.

This Asset Standard describes the valuation of plant and equipment which are tangible assets usually held by an entity or used in manufacturing/production or supply of goods or services.

This Asset Standard describes the valuation of property interests which are normally defined and regulated by the state or the law of individual jurisdictions that deal with the right of ownership, control, use or occupation of land and buildings. 

This Asset Standard describes the valuation of development properties which are defined as interests where redevelopment or improvements are contemplated or in progress which may yield their highest and best use.
This Asset Standard describes the valuation of a financial instrument which is a contract that creates rights or obligations between specified parties to receive or pay cash or other financial consideration. Such instruments include derivatives or other contingent instruments, hybrid instruments, fixed income, structured products and equity instruments. 

The International Valuation Standards 2020

Registration Date:
20 January 2020 12:00 AM - 31 December 2025 12:59 PM (UTC + 08:00)

This class consists of 13 modules namely:

Online Examination:

